Our Most Diverse Collection of Free-Living and Parasitic Types
- Identifying features clearly distinguishable
- Rigorous quality control standards
All slides are prepared as whole mounts unless otherwise specified.
Ordering information: Set includes the following: Actinopod: Radiolaria strew; Apicomplexans: Plasmodium (sm); Eimeria (sect); Gregarines; Archaezoa: Giardia (trophozoites); Bacillariophyta (Stramenopila): Diatoms (mixed), Navicula; Chlorophyta: Spirogyra (vegetative), Chlamydomonas, Volvox; Chrysophyta: Synura; Ciliata (Alveolata): Paramecium, Stentor; Dinoflagellate: Peridinium; Foraminifera: Foraminiferan strew; Myxomycota: Physarum, plasmodium (sect); Oomycota: Saprolegnia; Oligohymrnophorea: Vorticella; Ochrophyta: Synedra; Phaeophyta (Kelp): Laminaria (sect); Rhodophyta: Batrachospermum; Sarcodina (Rhizopod): Amoeba and Entamoeba, trophozoites (sm). Please call Customer Service for a complete listing. This list is subject to change based on availability of material.