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Everything Science Starts Here!

Your definitive source for hands-on science solutions for the classroom.

Getting what you need all in one place has never been easier!

Get curriculum-aligned products and resources that bring the excitement of science to life in your classroom! We have something for all subjects across various grade levels including products, lab activities, articles and other materials to help with your lesson planning.

Choose the subject most relevant to you and start exploring today!

Biology & Life Sciences

  • Get kits, specimens, activities, guides, and videos that inspire students at every grade level.
  • Explore concepts about the living world and how species function, evolve and interact.
  • Check out the widest selection of high-quality media, microscope slides, and more for your biology classroom.

Earth & Space Science

  • Get activities, equipment, and models to support lesson plans that inspire students at every grade level to learn concepts about earth, neighboring planets, and their real-life applications.
  • Discover popular products that bring the study of rocks, minerals and fossils from around the globe to classrooms.


  • Get supplies, chemicals, activities, and models to stock your lab and educate students. 
  • Everything you need to help students safely learn about chemicals and the way they interact.
  • Get products that support a variety of teaching topics, including Matter, Motion, Energy, Waves, and Electromagnetic Radiation.


  • Get apparatus, demos, supplies, and equipment that help demonstrate the properties and laws governing space, time, energy, and matter.
  • Support students' understanding of the basic principles behind how things work.
  • Get products and activities aligned with today’s teaching topics, including Kinematics, Forces & Motion, and Energy.

More to Explore!

Ward's Science makes it easy to find the hands-on activities
and supplies you need for classroom success!

Hands-on training with real-world career applications. Shop the widest selection of materials for patient care, clinical applications, veterinary science, and biomedical studies.

Get practical STEM resources to prepare students for success in the expanding fields of science, technology, engineering, and math.

Solve real-world crimes with science. We have everything you need to outfit your complete forensics program.

Investigate current environmental science topics and expand student inquiry with standards- aligned activity kits and the widest selection of equipment, apparatus, and supplies.