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Analog Thermometers
Mercury free thermometers ideal for use in chemical laboratories, universities, scientific institutions, food and beverage processing, petrochemical laboratories, pharmaceutical/medical industry, manufacturing, dairies, breweries and distilleries.
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Miniature thermometers (6 cm long) for use in microscale chemistry.
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Low cost thermometers for beginning students.
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EnviroKleen™ certified thermometers feature black, non-toxic, biodegradable, Enviro-Safe® liquid against lead-free, yellow back glass for easy readability and fewer reading errors.
No-roll triangle shape.
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Set contains three EASY-READ thermometers in a convenient storage tray.
These environmentally safe thermometers are PFA safety coated to keep liquid and glass contained in the event of breakage.
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Laboratory Grade
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Permacolor-filled thermometer features projection at top to fit positioning hole.
Red Spirit-Filled Thermometers are ideal for students.
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Great for classroom use.
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Great for classroom use.
EnviroKleen™ certified thermometers feature black, non-toxic, biodegradable, Enviro-Safe® liquid against lead-free, yellow back glass for easy readability and fewer reading errors.
Glass thermometers with Enviro-Safe Black liquid.
A safer option for measuring temperature.
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These organic liquid filled thermometers against white back glass are ideal for use in experiments demonstrating the construction of a thermometer, determining two fixed points and the differences between Celsius and Fahrenheit scales. Students can mark their own graduations.
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