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Math Educational Materials
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How Much Space Does This Take Up?
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Students explore various aspects of mass using a double pan balance, colorful stacking masses, and everyday items.
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Sensor for triggering the digital counter in time measurements on moving objects. Suitable for opto electronic scanning of light and dark markings on moving objects or in conjunction with a reflecting foil to form a wide spaced obstruction sensor. The intensity of the laser beam is adjusted automatically according to the distance of the object. Includes reflecting foil, stand rod with screw thread, and connector lead with 8 pin miniDIN plugs.
Catalog Number:
Teach Elementary-Level Math With Ease!
Catalog Number:
Teach Elementary-Level Math With Ease!
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Teach Elementary-Level Math With Ease!
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What's the difference between a half and a quarter?
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Five-piece equal mass density set – for specific heat experiments and more.
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Relate the angles and sides in a right triangle in a hands on way.
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How much pizza is an eighth?
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Identify numbers by their position.
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Students of all ages love dice games and you'll love the simplicity with which you can review number facts, teach random numbers, explore probability and much more. These traditional-sized dice come in all white or multi-colored.
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Base 10 decimeter cubes. Units are 1Ă—1Ă—1 cm and larger pieces are scored to show units.
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Build On A Smaller Scale.
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Learn about the first ten numbers.
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Digital counter/timer for measuring duration of motion, transition times, periods, pendulum periods, frequencies, as well as for counting events or Geiger tube pulses. Includes a speaker that can be turned on and off, and power supplies for direct connection to light barriers. For event counting, a fixed counting period can be programmed in a range from 0.1ms to 99999s. Counter events (e.g. start or stop) can either be triggered by a signal to the input sockets or manually via switches. The unit includes a plug-in power supply.
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