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Microbiology Learning Activities
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This model of the HIV virus is enlarged millions of times to show the outer lipid membrane with protein structures and the internal nucleoproteins and contained RNA.
The Edmentum Biology Kits and Kit Refill each contain sufficient consumable materials for one student.
Catalog Number:
Explore how bacteria and viruses spread through a population.
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Understand niches, biotic/abiotic factors, and species interactions.
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You don’t have to take a field trip to the dentist to teach your students about tooth decay and preventive oral hygiene. With this kit, students will gain firsthand knowledge as they culture bacteria taken from their own teeth both before and after brushing. <BR><BR>Includes materials for 24 students<BR><BR>sterile petri dishes <BR>swabs<BR>agar<BR>mouthwash<BR>complete instructions.
Catalog Number:
Conduct bacterial experiments in a self-paced activity.
Is This Epidemic Caused By A New Strain Of Bacteria?
What Environmental Conditions Can Affect Organism Growth?
Clone a DNA fragment into DNA and transform bacterial phenotype.
Catalog Number:
Learn about the different types of media used to grow bacteria.
Place one BactoBead™ on an agar plate, watch it dissolve, and streak for isolated colonies.
Catalog Number:
Students find the answers to such questions as how much bacteria does soap or mouthwash eliminate, and which mouth contains more bacteria — a human or a dog.
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