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Minerals and Rocks Learning Activities
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Comprehensive, Economical Test Kit.
A Crime Has Been Reported and It's Up to You to Help Prove Who Did It!
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Easy identification of rocks, minerals and fossils, as well as testing of area soils is possible with this set. Generous amounts of clay and gravel are supplied for demonstrating sedimentation build-up profiles.
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Complete Unit Ready for Use
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NewPath’s Earth’s Surface Curriculum Learning Module provides a complete set of visual, digital and hands-on resources designed to support teacher instruction and provide students with the skills to master key concepts on Earth’s Surface.
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NewPath’s All About Volcanoes Curriculum Learning Module provides a complete set of visual, digital and hands-on resources designed to support teacher instruction and provide students with the skills to master key concepts on Volcanoes.
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Students discover earth's hidden secrets with the Break Your Own Geodes Kit
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Sand, pebbles, and gravel are all ideal for earth science experiments and simulated excavations.
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Excellent activity to follow study of crystal structure, students identify minerals by physical properties of cleavage and fracture.
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Students learn about contour lines by working with plastic models of an actual Mexican volcano.
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The Analysis of Minerals and Soils Lab Activity teaches students to utilize physical and chemical techniques to thoroughly investigate crime scene samples.
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NewPath’s All About Minerals Curriculum Learning Module provides a complete set of visual, digital and hands-on resources designed to support teacher instruction and provide students with the skills to master key concepts on Minerals.
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NewPath’s All About Rocks Curriculum Learning Module provides a complete set of visual, digital and hands-on resources designed to support teacher instruction and provide students with the skills to master key concepts on Rocks.
Learn to draw contour lines and how to indicate elevations on a chart or map.
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