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Mixtures and Solutions Learning Activities
Catalog Number:
Use these stains in the first step to identifying your unknown bacteria.
Catalog Number:
How fast do chemical reactions happen?
Catalog Number:
Discover What a Mixture is Composed Of
Catalog Number:
Determine the Amount of Nitrogen in Water Samples.
Catalog Number:
Use Color Transition of Titration to Determine Water Hardness.
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With this kit, students learn how acid-based titrations operate.
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With this kit, students determine dissolved oxygen concentration without a meter.
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This kit allows analysts to perform a very simple titration to determine the alkalinity and the phenolphthalein of their fresh water sample.
Catalog Number:
Oxidation and Reduction of Metals
Catalog Number:
Experimentally Determine the Correct Chemical Formulas for Various Compounds
Catalog Number:
A large quantity of foam is produced when detergent and potassium iodide are added to hydrogen peroxide.
Catalog Number:
Prepare a flask containing a yellow solution, as you mix it on a magnetic stirrer the solution will turn from yellow to blue and back to yellow.
Catalog Number:
Test Chemical Properties of Seven Different Substances
Catalog Number:
Innovative Device Makes Visualizing Conductivity Possible.
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