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Enough material for the whole class to diagnose several genetic disorders.
Give Students A Unique Look Inside A Cell Nucleus.
Create A Baby Beebop!
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Genetic Dice are designed to model the allelic frequency found in the human ABO blood group system (based on common types found in North America), and to demonstrate how blood types are determined.
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Bloops are strange but cute little creatures that, as teacher developer Anthony Garofalo has discovered, are perfect for helping students make sense of Mendelian genetics, especially concepts of dominance and recessiveness.
All come in vials of 100.
Catalog Number:
Illustrate the Relationship Between Karyotyping and Genetic Diseases
How Does Genetic Engineering Produce Human Growth Hormone?
Visual examples of genetics at work.
Catalog Number:
Simple Experiment with Easy-to-See Results
Perform Five Forensic Experiments
Catalog Number:
Should Jenny Get Tested For Huntington's Disease?
Catalog Number:
Ward's Protein Synthesis Magnetic Model helps students visualize the steps of protein synthesis.
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How are inherited traits transmitted?
Catalog Number:
Simulate multiple generations of Mendellian inheretance.
Cool and colorful dragons liven up genetics lessons.
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