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General-purpose media. Supports the growth of a variety of microorganisms.
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High Quality Results, Excellent for Photodocumentation
Catalog Number:
Handle any electrophoresis gel easily and safely.
New and improved, one-step staining and destaining.
Catalog Number:
These DNA markers are used to determine size of unknown DNA fragments. If using within 2–3 days, they do not need to be refrigerated and can be stored right on a shelf. If storing for longer time periods, freezing is recommended. <BR><BR>Ship date is required.
Prepared with TBE buffer, these gels are easy to use — simply melt them in a microwave oven or water bath then pour them into a casting tray. The non-reusable gels have a one-year shelf life and should be stored at room temperature.
Catalog Number:
Ideal for Pre or Post-Lab Exercise.
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Verify gas production in fermentation exercises, gas produced by yeast or other organisms rises into a 5 or 10 ml evolution tube.
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SYBR® Safe is a DNA stain that glows bright green when exposed to UV or blue-light.
CAS Number: 151-21-3
Formula: CH3CH211OSO3Na Freezing Point: 204 to 207°C Solubility: Water and Alcohol Synonyms: Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, SDS Shelf Life: 36 Months
Catalog Number:
These polystyrene plates have 12 depressions for multiple reaction observations.
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Tris-Borate-EDTA Solution is premixed.
One unit of this Restriction Enzyme will digest 1{mu lower case}g of DNA in 60 minutes in 50mL r x n volume. Each comes in a recyclable packaging that holds the enzyme, buffers, and a lot-specific product information sheet that contains details of the rigorous quality control assays performed, product storage and usage information, protocols, and references.Note: All restriction enzymes require storage at -20°C. A ship date is required. Available to US customers only.
Catalog Number:
For growing bacteria and fungi
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This soybean-casein digest medium can support a wide variety of microorganisms.
Catalog Number:
Simply add your primers and template DNA to a single PCR EdvoBead™ and mix!
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