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Use hands on power to investigate rotational dynamics.
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Students measure pressure with a precision manometer.
Catalog Number:
An economical way to teach dynamics including position, velocity, acceleration, force, elastic and in elastic collisions, momentum, conservation of energy, and much more.
Catalog Number:
Beautiful, large, and functional gyroscope for classroom demonstrations.
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This easy-to-build hydraulic arm demonstrates the power of fluid dynamics.
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Students determine the adiabatic coefficient of air.
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Accessories for demonstrating properties and laws of motion using linear air tracks.
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This Ballistics Cart demonstrates the independence of vertical and horizontal motions.
Experiment topics:
• Rotary oscillations • Determination of moments of inertia using the oscillation method • Moments of inertia of various geometric bodies • Steiner's theorem
Catalog Number:
Torsion of Metal Rods Apparatus shows students the affect of a torque on a metal rod.
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Precision manometer measures wind speed and pressure.
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This kit is designed to provide a cost-effective and friction-free system for the study of all aspects of dynamics.
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This kit on its own allows a student to experiment with series and parallel circuits, switches and solar power and potentially build their own board game that utilizes the led’s and buzzers.
Catalog Number:
Snap Circuits Motion contains over 50 parts and over 165 projects to complete, all motion and physics focused.
Engaging, Ready-to-Use Learning Centers for Review of Standards-Based Topics!
Catalog Number:
Gravitational Torsion Balance and He–Ne–Laser demonstrates gravitational attraction between two bodies and determines the gravitational constant.
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