Specimen Packaging and Injection Options
Packaging OptionsVacuum PackagingMost Ward's Science specimens are available in vacuum sealed heavy-duty laminate bags. Vacuum packing ensures little or no mess when opening. The holding solution, Ward’Safe®, a non-toxic, non-formaldehyde holding solution, is retained in the specimen tissue – not in the bag. Vacuum-packaging also guarantees freshness!
Pail PackagingSelect Ward's Science specimens are available in pails. The pail pack stores specimens in Ward’Safe® solution, a non-toxic, non-formaldehyde holding solution. This helps eliminate any worry of dehydrated specimens. Pail packs also provide convenient storage between class times.
Shelf LifeAlthough the shelf life of the specimen is indefinite, we recommend only purchasing what is needed for one school year to ensure best quality. Latex Injection KeyMost of our preserved specimens are offered in a variety of colored latex injections, enabling students to easily find and identify features of the circulatory system. All of our injected specimens, with the exception of the shark, abide by the following color guidelines: Plain Specimen Single Injected Specimen Double Injected Specimen Triple Injected Specimen Shark Latex InjectionsSingle Injected Shark Double Injected Shark Triple Injected Shark Invertebrate InjectionsColor- injected invertebrate generally only have one color for the entire circulatory system. Examples are the single injected crayfish, starfish, and squid. In these specimens the latex color is chosen for its ability to be easily distinguished against the background of the vessels. |